Health & Wellness

3 Bad Habits that Lead to Hair Loss

Poor habits affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, income, or body mass index (BMI). Unhealthy habits can lead to chronic illness, fatigue, weight gain or loss, anxiety, and even hair loss. Fortunately, most habits can be eliminated with hard work and determination. Consider the following three bad habits that lead to hair loss – and how to break them:


Studies show a definitive link between smoking and hair loss, but the exact causes are unknown. Some hair restoration doctors say tobacco toxins are the primary culprit, while others believe constricted blood vessels limit adequate blood flow to hair follicles. Either way, smoking can initiate hair loss for many individuals. Aside from thinning and shedding hair, tobacco smoking is also related to premature aging, lung cancer, COPD, chronic bronchitis, aggravated asthma, cardiovascular disease, and stroke, so quitting isn’t just about enhancing your appearance. While many former smokers rely on e-cigarettes to curb their cravings, the effects of vaporized nicotine have not yet been formally defined. Consider quitting the old fashioned way. While this route requires an immense amount of willpower, cutting back gradually or wearing a nicotine patch may break the habit.


Stress isn’t necessarily a habit; many of your day-to-day activities could be causing tension to rise. Stress can’t always be prevented or eliminated, such as in cases of a traumatic life event, injury or other health condition. But, individuals can learn to deal with stress in a more positive and proactive manner to avoid side effects such as hair loss. Telogen effluvium is a hair loss condition that occurs when follicles are shocked into a state of inactivity due to a stressful experience. While often temporary, stress-induced hair loss can be highly upsetting, leading to even greater levels of stress, thus worsening the condition in a vicious cycle. Whether you’re preventing hair loss from stress or minimizing the stress caused by your thinning or shedding locks, remaining calm is key. Many patients find regular exercise, meditation, reading, and adequate sleep helps curtail everyday stress. Patients suffering from more serious anxiety and panic disorders should visit a mental health professional for a more personalized plan.

Poor Nutrition

Every part of your body needs adequate nutrients in order to maintain its healthy function. Just as your bones need calcium, your hair follicles require essential micro and macro nutrients to uphold a normal growth cycle. Protein is an essential building block of healthy strands. Stick with lean beef, chicken, and fish over the fried and fatty versions. Vitamin A, found in carrots and leafy vegetables, helps promote growth and keeps cells healthy. In addition, B vitamins from protein-rich foods, avocados, and broccoli help carry oxygen from the lungs to tissues throughout the body – including hair follicles. Vitamin C can help in collagen production which keeps hair strong and long. Finally, be sure to consume an appropriate number of calories each day, typically around 2,000 for the average person. Malnutrition and crash diets can also cause follicles essentially to shut down.

LLLT and Healthy Hair Habits

Patients suffering from smoking, stress or nutrition-related hair loss might not see results right away upon breaking these bad habits. That’s where low-level laser therapy (LLLT) can help immensely. LLLT utilizes light-emitting diodes which induce phototherapy, or cellular rejuvenation, and draw blood and nutrients to the scalp. While you’re working on improving your lifestyle, LLLT with Capillus® gives the motivation and results that can help you move forward more quickly. For more information on Capillus® and reversing hair loss, contact us at 844-280-4680.

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