Health & Wellness

Using Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) to Treat Hair Loss

Hair loss research and solutions continually evolve, bringing new products and treatments for patients around the globe. Some treatments are targeted at a specific type of hair loss, typically associated with biological sex. For instance, Propecia is intended to treat male-pattern baldness and can be dangerous for women who are pregnant or who may become pregnant. Fortunately, the most innovative treatments with impressive results are comprehensive, inviting both men and women suffering from androgenic alopecia to participate. One such treatment is platelet-rich plasma (PRP), a process that uses a patient’s own cells to promote regrowth in areas of thinning or shedding on the scalp. When used alongside low-level laser therapy (LLLT) devices, the positive effects of PRP treatments intensify.

What is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

Platelet-rich plasma is an essential component of your blood. It gives the body the ability to heal wounds, stimulate clot formation, and repair damaged tissues. PRP was first introduced in the 1970s and gained popularity in the mid-90s. Today, PRP treatments are used in dentistry, sports medicine, pain management, cosmetic surgery, and now, hair restoration. Hereditary or genetic hair loss (androgenic alopecia) occurs due to follicle miniaturization. Because of high levels of DHT on the scalp, follicles become smaller and are incapable of sustaining the normal hair growth cycle. Thus, follicles enter the resting (shedding) phase and fail to revert to the anagen (growth) phase. Like its effects on skin wounds and damage, platelet-rich plasma helps treat follicle miniaturization and push follicles back into the growth stage. The process is quick, effective, all-natural, and virtually painless. Similar to laser therapy, both men and women are candidates for platelet-rich plasma treatments. Keep in mind, any targeted hair loss applications work on pattern hair loss best.

PRP Treatment Steps

PRP is typically completed in eight sessions over the course of four months. Each procedure takes around 80 minutes. First, your hair loss physician will take a blood sample that is put into a centrifuge to isolate platelets and growth factors from red and white blood cells. Then, your scalp is numbed with a local anesthetic to make re-injections more comfortable. Side effects include mild swelling, which usually subsides after two days. If you are particularly sensitive to needles or pain, your physician may use a mild sedative prior to taking your blood sample.

Many physicians encourage PRP treatments alongside other minimally-invasive therapies, including laser caps for hair regrowth and minoxidil topical treatments. Patients who aren’t candidates for a transplant can employ a more aggressive, non-surgical approach to hair regrowth by doubling up PRP treatments with other science-backed solutions.

For more information regarding platelet-rich plasma hair loss treatments, use our physician network to locate a hair loss specialist near you. If you are currently undergoing PRP treatments and want to increase your odds of success, contact Capillus regarding our range of low-level laser therapy caps and targeted minoxidil spray for men.

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