hair loss

Potentially Damaging Hair Pieces

Styling your hair is fun, but did you know there are a number of potentially damaging hair pieces out there? Traction alopecia is a form of localized hair loss caused by excessive or aggressive pulling at the roots. Patients who suffer from traction alopecia often wear tight hairstyles that put tension on the follicle, causing the hair to release from the follicle. The best way to treat traction alopecia is by ceasing damaging behaviors, such as wearing tight hair styles or hairpieces, allowing the follicle to heal. But when altering your lifestyle doesn’t do the trick, low-level laser therapy can replenish damaged follicles and stimulate regrowth. Trichotillomania is another condition related to traction alopecia. Similar to traction alopecia, trichotillomania results in hair loss caused by follicle shock. However, this hair loss condition is also classified as a mental health disorder. Patients who suffer from trichotillomania experience an immense and constant urge to pull hairs from the body – typically the scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes. Trichotillomania is provoked by stress, anxiety and depression, among other emotional factors.

Clip in Extensions

While extensions temporarily mimic the appearance of fuller, thicker hair, these clips put an immense burden on the scalp. Clip in extensions are often worn too tight, which is a problem in itself. What’s more, follicular units are designed to hold the weight of two to four hairs maximum. The added mass from false strands pulls on follicles and can aid the forfeiture of real hairs. Essentially, the outcome is the opposite of the desired effect – increased thinning and balding at the extension site.

Rubber Hair Ties

If you have long hair, pulling it back once in a while is normal. Exercising, washing your face and cooling off on a hot day are all perfectly good reasons to tie your long locks back. But, the type of hair tie you use is important. Fabric-covered ties are typically safe to use, as long as they are not wrapped too tightly around strands. Rubber ties have a tendency to stick to strands. When wrapped or released, rubber ties often pull strands from the scalp. Consistent pulling can result in follicle damage and ceased growth cycles.


Traction alopecia is commonly seen in ballerinas because of the characteristic ballerina bun. While elegant, ballerina buns secured tightly with bobby pins and barrettes pull on the scalp too tightly and can trigger trauma-induced hair loss.

Tight Headbands

Wearing a headband every day isn’t recommended because these pieces pull on the hairs located at the front of the scalp. Wear headbands sparingly and limit use while exercising or washing your face, or you might suffer from a receding hairline brought on by traction alopecia. Capillus offers low-level laser therapy caps that can stimulate growth after hair loss caused by traction alopecia. The Capillus82 is our most economical cap, packing 82 laser diodes that target and treat inactive or damaged follicles. For more information on pricing and purchasing, contact Capillus at 844-280-4680.

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