For those who are at an advanced stage of hair loss progression, non-surgical methods may not be sufficient to treat their loss and they need to consider a surgical solution for their hair loss.
Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure which transplants healthy hair follicles to areas of thinning and is an option for some with healthy donor areas. There are two main surgical methods: strip donor transplant and follicular unit extraction.
Strip Donor Transplant: During a strip donor transplant, a surgeon removes a strip of donor hair follicles, usually from the occipital region of the scalp, then subdivides into hair follicles which are then transplanted to the affected scalp area of hair loss.
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): During this procedure, the surgeon removes the donor hairs with a special punch-like instrument. The hair grafts are extracted in one cluster at a time.
Alternative Treatment Options
Other alternatives to medical treatment of hair loss include concealing areas of balding. Solutions such as micropigmentation, hair replacements, wigs, and cosmetic keratin fibers can provide minimal or extensive coverage of areas of hair loss on a temporary or short-term basis.
Keratin fibers are a cosmetic option where miniature fibers cling statically to a person’s hair, instantly providing temporary coverage that can be washed off. Hair systems can be tailor-made to a person’s own hair, blending almost seamlessly with natural or synthetic hair.
Micropigmentation is a process similar to tattooing where the skin on the scalp is pigmented to give the illusion of shaved hair.
Anyone suffering from sudden and significant hair loss should see his or her family doctor, but we are here for you when you’re ready to start treatment for hair loss. If you have any questions about treatment for hair loss or any of our products, we encourage you to call us directly at (844) 280-4680.