Which Capillus Laser Cap Is Right for Me & My Hair?
You may have noticed a recent increase in hair loss, and this might be leading to increased stress. Whether it’s more hair appearing in the teeth of your hairbrush or collecting on t...
The Leading Non-Surgical Hair Restoration Options
When it comes to hair loss treatment, you might be surprised to learn of the numerous non-surgical hair restoration methods outside of the traditional hair transplant. For some, thes...
Capillus Announces Its New 6-Minute Laser Therapy Treatment
We are excited to unveil an even more convenient way to treat hair loss with treatments of just 6 minutes daily on all of its laser therapy caps. Same energy output in less time! All FDA-clear...
Will a Laser Cap Fix Your Receding Hairline?
A receding hairline is often the first visible sign that hair loss has started. Both men and women may experience thinning along the front and sides of the scalp, both of which are highly...
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Minoxidil But Were Afraid to Ask
What is Minoxidil? Minoxidil is the generic name of an anti-hypertensive vasodilator--minoxidil dilates blood vessels. The oral medication was originally approved by the FDA for ...
Can I Travel with my Capillus Laser Cap on an Airplane?
This is a question that we receive frequently with the holiday season approaching. Yes, you absolutely can take your Capillus Laser Cap on an airplane, and, in fact, we encourage you...