hair loss

Menopause and Hair Loss

Menopause marks the end of fertility in women. Often called “the change of life,” menopause is a welcome relief to many women worried about unexpected pregnancies or who simply don’t want to dea...

How to Care for Thinning Hair

Many adults are surprised to learn that washing your hair every day is a bad habit to break. Of course, bathing should be a standard point in your daily routine, but you don’t have to get...

Is Baldness Genetic?

The genetics of losing your hair or keeping it on your head is not as simple as the genetics that Mendel studied in pea plants in the 1850’s, in which he studied whether successive gener...

Hair and Hair Loss Treatment: Other Causes of and Treatments for Hair Loss

In this last part of our Hair and Hair Loss Treatment series, we'll discuss other causes of hair loss and treatments aside from surgical and medical (drug) treatments. A few weeks ago, w...

alopeciaGive the Gift of Hair Growth: 6 Reasons Why the Capillus Cap is a Great Gift Idea

Give the Gift of Hair Growth: 6 Reasons Why the Capillus Cap is a Great Gift Idea

Do you know a friend, family member, or loved one who is struggling with early stages of hair loss? Watching large strands of intertwined hair collect in your shower drain or seeing thinning...

Does Caffeine Counteract Hair Loss?

There have been a handful of studies looking at whether caffeine affects hair growth or hair loss. However, the results have been mixed. Let’s take a closer look at the research. The...