
The Truth About Vitamins That Prevent Hair Loss

Thinning hair or balding can be a result of a nutritional deficiency. Vitamins assist in cell regrowth and repair, so without them, the appearance and health of your hair can suffer. The f...

Female Hair Loss: Could Your Hairstyle Be The Cause Of Your Hair Loss?

Have you recently noticed you are losing hair at a faster rate than normal? Is your hair line receding at a noticeable pace? There are many possible answers for what causes above aver...

Could Defective Hair Follicles be the Cause of Your Hair Loss

Most people associate hair disease with hair loss; however, there are a number of other hair diseases that do not result in hair loss. Hair diseases may affect the scalp or follicles. One ...

Hair and Hair Loss Treatment: Surgical Treatment for Hair Loss II

Today we’ll explore the surgical treatment option called Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE has been a major player in surg...

The Best Thanksgiving Foods for Your Hair

The Best Thanksgiving Foods for Your Hair November is the month for Thanksgiving in the United States. While you’re having fun with your friends and relatives, take note that several tradition...

Great Hair Cut Styles to Mask the Look of Thinning Hair

Bald is beautiful, so the saying goes. How about thinning hair? As much as we may not want to admit it, looks matter. We judge and are judged by our appearance both professionally and socially. ...