Topics for Her

Women’s Hair Loss and Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is taking the hair loss industry by storm, bringing a new era of follicle renewal minus the surgery, scarring or patient incompatibility. For women's hair loss, laser therapy is more than convenient. It is one of the most practical hair loss treatments to counteract female pattern hair loss (FPHL). Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) for hair loss began in 1966 when Hungarian physician Endre Mester tested lasers to treat alopecia in lab rats. Since then, LLLT has grown to become a leading hair regrowth system available to the masses.

Women's Hair Loss Options

Not all hair restoration treatments are available to women. As indicated by the Ludwig Classification progression chart, women with Type I female pattern baldness – or androgenetic alopecia – suffer from diffuse thinning. Male pattern baldness is categorized as a receding hairline or balding crown, allowing for easy donor extraction and transplant. Hair transplants are often unfeasible for women who suffer the typical FPHL hair loss symptoms of widespread thinning or a broadening part. Prescription hair loss treatment Finasteride, also known as brand-name Propecia, is not FDA-approved for women. Women who do receive androgen-blocking drugs receive off-label prescriptions at their own risk or physician’s recommendation. The most severe side effect is genital abnormalities of the male fetus in pregnant women. Even a crushed or broken Propecia tablet can be absorbed through the skin and produce birth defects, so women who are pregnant or who may become pregnant should not handle Finasteride pills. Side effects for non-pregnant women include increased body hair, sweating, hot flashes and headaches, per clinical studies cited by Consumer Reports.¹ Finally, while Rogaine (Minoxidil) in the lesser 2 percent strength solution is FDA-approved and marketed toward women, topical foams are not the most convenient hair loss treatments available, thus reducing the odds of long-term compliancy. Minoxidil is difficult to apply to long hair and involves clean-up. Patients also must allow time for the treatment to “set” after application, particularly in high humidity environments or prior to exercising. Failure to wait at least 6 minutes could minimize Minoxidil’s potency and render the treatment ineffective. Unlike the alternatives, LLLT uses safe, painless red light lasers to increase cell metabolism on the scalp and support blood vessel activity. By strengthening and activating follicles, new hairs are sturdier and less susceptible to breakage or loss. In addition to promoting fortification, laser therapy stimulates oil glands on the scalp to fight brittle or dry locks. Patients with gray hair may even notice darkening since laser therapy increases melanin production. Not only does LLLT foster a nourishing environment for hair regrowth, but the treatment improves shine and resilience overall. While an assortment of LLLT products are currently on the market, at-home laser caps are the only hands-free devices that make ongoing treatment manageable. Capillus® laser caps are FDA-cleared for the promotion of hair regrowth in men and women with androgenic alopecia. Read more on our FDA clearance here. If you suffer from women's hair loss and are searching for an FDA-cleared solution with no known adverse side effects, in addition to hands-free and discreet treatment, call Capillus® today. We recommend each customer visit a qualified hair loss physician to rule out possible underlying medical conditions and discuss the best Capillus laser therapy cap for your condition and expectations.

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