Hormones and Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL)
Hormones are special types of molecules in the body that have the role of signaling other molecules. There are tons of different hormones that influence most body functions including meta...
Hair and Hair Loss Treatment: Why Do You Lose Your Hair and What Can You Do About It?
You lose your hair for many reasons, and not all of them are well understood. Genetics play a significant role in when you start to lose your hair and the pattern of baldness. Hormon...
3 Reasons Teenagers Experience Hair Loss
Hair loss in your 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond is highly common. Many adults expect some thinning and shedding to occur with age, although individual cases largely depend on genetics, ...
Hair Loss Vitamins & Supplements - Benefits
When it comes to hair health, you might have been raised on the very basics—just shampoo and condition your hair. Maybe your family settled for simple products—those that got the job done and ...
Early Signs of Impending Hair Loss
Are you worried about your hair? Let’s take a look at the early signs that you’re losing your hair. Genetics What do your parents look like? Seriously, is your dad bald? Does your mom h...
Hair Loss Help: The Science of Hair Growth
When you first start noticing your hair is thinning, the emotions and concern you experience can be overwhelming, but don’t panic. Hair loss is treatable and there are many options. To und...